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Here we suggest a variety of dishes passed down from grandmother’s traditional recipes and made into contemporary health food, prepared with earth products and Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Cooking with Extra virgin olive oil will add excellent flavour to all dishes because it tastes so good, it keeps you fit and it is proven healthy.

Some cooking tips:

  • A drizzle over the food after it is cooked, will preserve all its nutrients intact and enhance its full body.
  • Because of its rich taste you use less. That helps if you are counting calories.
  • It naturally regulates your cholesterol; how much you use is up to you
  • It is the healthy alternative to butter; you can substitute it in many recipes.
  • It's a better way to fry: it doesn't reach its burning temperature (210°C), like animal fat does, plus its components are undoubtedly healthier, than other oils 

Here are some ways we can use extra virgin olive oil, for a better life style: